Wednesday, March 02, 2016
Ban Combat Sports for the under 18's
In the news today some Doctors want to ban tackling in Rugby
for anyone under the age of 18 years on Health and safety to reason. My own
thoughts it is ridiculous as the game will no longer be the same. Now these
Doctors maybe suggesting this for the best intentions but have they not
considered it is not compulsory to do Rugby surely it is the duty of care by
the parent to decide whether a child can participate in a contact sport. Surely
they will know the relevantly small risks if they are not happy just say I do
not want my child to do Rugby.
The problem is that this indict can have far reaching
consequences? It is the duty of every Sports Body to try and eliminate danger
but as Human beings we have to accept risk as part of life. Yet I can see this
as just the start of campaign to ban all forms of Contact Sports and Martial
Arts for the under 18 years, I hear you say ridiculous yet in Australia the
Australian Medical Association want to do exactly that here is a link to their
Now at present we have a Democracy in GB where our
Parliament can decide on this issue BUT have you considered if we remain in the
EU and they decide to go along with a Ban and bring in a EU Law banning Contact
Sports for the under 18’s we would have to abide by the Law no matter what our
Parliament says and what the voice of the British Public says.
I ma not a great lover of Cage Fighting and think MMA is all
things to all men but would I want to ban it NO if people want to do that sort
of thing as long as it has regulated rules it is their business not mine yet
France banns it read the link
The point I am trying to make is we all need to be vigilant
as this type creeping bureaucracy soon can become law a prime example is the EU
who would have thought in 1972 when joined the Common Market that we would
eventually be part of a Super State with much of our freedoms to decide our future being being decided
by bodies outside GB
Martin Clarke